macbeth shall sleep no more


Pictures, artworks, comics, that have to do with Macbeth. Right click and open in a new tab to see the image bigger.


Mostly older stuff, so as to be public domain. Almost all of this is from Folger Library's digital archive.

"Henry Fuseli. Macbeth Consulting the Vision of the Armed Head. Oil on canvas, [1793]."

"George Cattermole. Macbeth and the witches. Watercolor, [1827]"
"George Cattermole. Macbeth II, 1. Watercolor."

From Movies

Specifically, images from movies that aren't recordings of plays. That goes in the next section.

From the Stage

This section is for pictures of actors on stage.

My Collection!

This is my favorite bit, from my favorite scene; Act 3 Scene 4. I love when Macbeth says you can call him "the baby of a girl" if he's a coward in a specific set of circumstances. It's funny to me because he is, as they say, my babygirl. I collect screenshots of actors saying it. If you have one I don't have please get in touch with me I'd love to see it.

about me

28 year old man from New Jersey. Melancholic of temperament.
Follow me on Blue Sky
Above icon is from this hark a vagrant comic.

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